Budiman JoJo

Life Journey of My Geeky Needs.

How I Write Kubernetes Manifests

While tools like Helm and kustomize can significantly reduce the amount of manual Kubernetes manifests writing, it’s often impossible to completely avoid it (even (kustomization.yaml file is itself a Kubernetes manifest). For instance, you may need to create a basic ingress because the chart you’re using doesn’t provide a template for it, or generate a certificate for your domain with cert-manager. In this post, I’ll describe how I leverage VSCode snippets and yaml-language-server to write Kubernetes manifests.

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Neovim Is Awesome


I was a long time Vim user, long before Neovim was born. I was sold to Neovim when CoC came out and there were some features that don’t work with Vim. At that time, Neovim was marketed as Vim but with more sane default experience. As time goes by, now Neovim is more than just Vim with better defaults. In this post, I will share my two cents on why Neovim is so much better than Vim, at least for me.

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Raspberry Pi Media Server Series 2 - Secure Ssh

This is the second part of my Raspberry Pi Media Server series. On previous post, I wrote about installing Manjaro Linux ARM into my Raspberry Pi 4. Now, we are going to secure our SSH server on Raspberry Pi so that we can at least prevent brute-force attempt on our future home media server from the evil outside world. Securing SSH server is one of the most crucial part of every server that can be accessible on the internet.

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