Budiman JoJo

Life Journey of My Geeky Needs.

Raspberry Pi Media Server Series 4 - Setting Up Docker

2019-12-18 4 min read Linux Raspberry Pi Self Hosted Budimanjojo

This is the forth part of my Raspberry Pi Media Server series. If you haven’t read our previous part, here’s where we discussed setting up external drives on Raspberry Pi. In this part, we are going to setting up Docker on Raspberry Pi. Here’s what you will get if you follow through the end of the tutorial:

  • Docker and Docker Compose installed
  • Docker data will be in the external drives
  • Systemd will only start Docker if external drives are mounted

Getting Started

Before we get our hands on setting up docker on our Raspberry Pi, let’s first do a system update. If you are on Manjaro, the command will be:

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Raspberry Pi Media Server Series 2 - Secure Ssh

This is the second part of my Raspberry Pi Media Server series. On previous post, I wrote about installing Manjaro Linux ARM into my Raspberry Pi 4. Now, we are going to secure our SSH server on Raspberry Pi so that we can at least prevent brute-force attempt on our future home media server from the evil outside world. Securing SSH server is one of the most crucial part of every server that can be accessible on the internet.

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Raspberry Pi Media Server Series 1 - Installing Manjaro

2019-11-25 3 min read Linux Raspberry Pi Budimanjojo

So you bought a Raspberry Pi and you don’t know what should you do with it. Well, in this series I want to share my way of using my Raspberry Pi. I bet you already guessed it right by reading the title. Yes, this is the first part of my Raspberry Pi Media Server series. Before I continue, here’s what I have for this project:

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